Archbishop Sample makes annual visit to Portland Seminarians in Menlo Park February 3, 2025
From January 29 to 31, Archbishop Alexander Sample made his annual visit to the Archdiocese of Portland seminarians in formation at St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park, California. (All Photos: Mr. Dereck Delgado) The visit provided an opportunity for the Archbishop to connect with the men discerning their vocation to the priesthood, offering them encouragement and guidance as their spiritual father.
The seminarians—Jacob McDougall (Propaedeutic Stage), Michael Crowell (Propaedeutic Stage), Ramón Camacho (Discipleship II), Erik Morris (Configuration I), and Zachary Muñoz (Configuration III)—are at various stages of formation as they prepare to serve western Oregon. Archbishop Sample’s visit underscored the deep bond between a bishop and his future priests and the essential role these men, God willing, will play in the Church’s mission. Upon his arrival, Archbishop Sample celebrated Mass with the seminarians and urged them to reflect on Pope Benedict XVI’s letter, Proclaiming a Year for Priests on the 150th anniversary of the Dies Natalis of the Curé of Ars. He also met individually with each seminarian, offering personal encouragement and listening to their experiences, challenges, and hopes.
A highlight of the visit was a community Spanish Mass, which Archbishop Sample celebrated with seminarians and faculty. In his homily, he emphasized the communal nature of the priesthood, reminding the seminarians that they are called not to serve in isolation but as part of a presbyterate—brothers united in ministry. “You are not being ordained to be ‘lone rangers,’” the Archbishop said. “Rather, you are being ordained within a particular local Church and a particular presbyterate of priestly brothers.” He encouraged them to actively participate in fraternal occasions such as the Chrism Mass, ordinations, priestly funerals, and retreats. His message served as both encouragement and challenge, urging the seminarians to foster strong fraternity among themselves, their future brother priests, and with him as their Archbishop and spiritual father.