Mount Angel Abbey Guesthouse
1 Abbey Drive, Saint Benedict, OR 97373
Rooms at the Guesthouse will be given out first come/first serve. Priests will be given a room at Aquinas Hall after Guesthouse is full, or priests may choose to stay at Aquinas Hall for a discounted rate.
Guesthouse Retreatant: $660.00 by check; $670.00 by credit card
Aquinas Hall Retreatant (shared bathroom): $500.00 by check; $507.50 by credit card
Commuter Retreatant: $220.00 by check; $253.75 by credit card
Payment is accepted by check or credit card. Additional cost for payments by credit card includes the 1.5% transaction fee.
Monday, June 2
4:30 pm Arrival
5:15 pm Vespers with Monks
6:00 pm Supper
7:00 pm Welcome by Fr. Vincent, OSB, Guest Master
7:15 pm Rosary and Introduction
Tuesday, June 3 (Silence except during meals)
8:00 am Breakfast
9:15 am Divine Office – Morning Prayer followed by Conference
11:00 am Mass - Archbishop Alexander Sample
12:00 pm Lunch
4:00 pm Conference
5:15 pm Vespers with Monks
6:00 pm Supper
7:15 pm Rosary and Final Session [Penance Service]
Wednesday, June 4 (Silence except during meals)
8:00 am Breakfast
9:15 am Divine Office – Morning Prayer followed by Conference
11:00 am Mass - Bishop Peter Smith
12:00 pm Lunch
4:30 pm Conference
5:30 pm Divine Office – Evening Prayer
6:00 pm Supper
7:15 pm Rosary and Final Session [Renewal of Gifts of Priestly Ordination]
Thursday, June 5 (Silence except during meals)
8:00 am Breakfast
9:15 am Divine Office – Morning Prayer followed by Conference
11:00 am Mass - Archbishop Emeritus John G. Vlazny
12:00 pm Lunch
4:30 pm Conference
5:30 pm Divine Office – Evening Prayer
6:00 pm Supper
7:15 pm Rosary and Final Session [Healing Service]
Friday, June 6
8:00 am Optional Mass with the Monastic community
8:30 am Breakfast
9:30 am Departure
Priests are welcome to stay on the hilltop for private reflection.