Joint Confirmations at St. Mary's Cathedral: Msgr. Gerard O'Connor will take care of the locking and unlocking of the doors, the flowers, the music and the altar servers.
Each of the participating parishes are responsible for the following:
The assignment of a reader for the first reading.
The assignment of a presenter for their candidates.
The creation and printing of pew signs for their seating arrangement.
The design and printing of programs for their parish.
Please note there is a $500 musician fee per Confirmation Mass that will be billed equally to the participating parishes.
Joint Parish Confirmations:The hosting pastor or his delegate are responsible for coordinating the celebration. The following is a general template of things to address in advance of your vicariate confirmation celebration.
Please encourage participation in the Confirmation Mass from each of the parishes in your vicariate. This ensures the following tasks are adequately addressed:
The assignment of a presenter for each parish’s candidates.
The assignment of readers for scripture readings, and if not sung, the responsorial psalm.
The arrangement for a cantor, musicians and choir members who will be responsible for the Entrance, the Offertory, the Communion, and Recessional hymns, at a minimum. The Propers of the Mass, which include the Kyrie, the Gloria, the Gospel Acclamation, the Sanctus, the Mysterium Fidei and the Agnus Dei are encouraged.
The assignment of two Confirmandi to bring forward the Offertory (hosts and wine).
The request for the participation of your parish deacons.
The assignment of a minimum of five altar servers.
The creation and printing of pew signs for each parish’s seating arrangement.
The design and printing of programs for each parish.
Note: some of the above may be combined if you do not have enough participation from your parishes.
Scripture Readings and Roman Missal Prayers: The Ritual for Confirmation states that the readings may be taken from the Mass of the Day or from texts in the Lectionary, nos. 764-768. When Confirmation is celebrated on a Sunday Vigil, Sunday or Solemnity, all the readings and prayers for that day are used. If Confirmation is celebrated on a weekday or outside of the Mass, the prayers will be taken from the Ritual of Confirmation by the bishop. The readings are as follows:
First Reading: Isaiah 11:1-4ab/Isaias 11, 1-4 (Lectionary for the Mass, no. 764) Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 22:23-24ab, 26-27, 28 and 31-32 (Lectionary for Mass, no. 766) Alleluia Verse before the Gospel: John 14-16 (Lectionary for Mass, no. 767) Gospel: Matthew 16:24-27 (Lectionary for Mass, no. 768)
Multilingual Liturgy: The multicultural nature of the assembly should be considered during the process of planning readings, ritual texts and music. The first reading should be in the language of the community with the Gospel proclaimed in English. The selections of prayers in English and Spanish will be determined by the Celebrant